about us

The Natural Light Project (NLP) is a collective formed by a brother and sister, 
who together want to do their part in overcoming the climate crisis. 
They are a scenographer and creative producer, but at the same time they work as musicians, visual artists and graphic designers. Together they create work that exposes, investigates and develops the human relationship with natural light. 

In everyday life, natural light is taken for granted and we have gradually become more and more dependent on artificial light. With NLP we want the cultural sector to become aware of the function of natural light as a prime source of inspiration. It is our aim to convince our contemporaries of the exceptional qualities and possibilities that natural light has to offer. Through interdisciplinary installations, performances and meeting places at the intersection of science, performance and visual art, we want people to reflect on the sun, the stars and the moon, the shadow, the heat and the cold. 

It is our goal to explore the influence of natural light on our daily lives from a creative visual perspective. Whilst in other art forms natural light and sustainable work are synonymous with progressive projects (think of architecture and visual arts), this does not yet apply to the performing arts. 

And you? How do you relate to natural light? Have you ever thought about it? How does a cloudy day or a sunset affect you?